development finance today

development finance requirements

Professional checks will be required at each stage of development to verify that all building regulations are being followed and that works have been completed according to the expected standards. This can be done either by your architect, or through the NHBC.

Fixed price contracts are a contract you have with your builder. They set the cost of the work and do not allow for any changes. This is a win-win situation for both the developer and builder. The builder can charge higher fees while the investor will know the exact costs, giving them total peace of mind. Fixed term contracts are more attractive to lenders.

development finance strathmore

When borrowing finance, it is important to consider any additional costs. You should consider exit fees and legal fees as well as lender fees.

development finance strathmore
development finance south africa

development finance south africa

Once you have secured your land and have an idea of the cost and end values, it's time to call us to discuss your development plans. We will discuss your financial needs with you and help you choose the right finance products for your project. The type of development project will determine the amount. Once you have determined the amount of funds that you require, we will arrange your finance to meet those needs.

development finance research

Check out our complete development finance lending criteria to speed up your application. To get an instant quote, use our online calculator Send us an inquiry and we'll get back to you within 3 hours.

development finance real estate

development finance real estate

It is vital to comply with all building regulations and obtain the appropriate planning permissions. Your Local Authority Building Control Service can grant Building Regulation Approval. If you're building the house yourself, you are responsible for adhering to all regulations. If you hire a contractor to do the work, then responsibility falls on them. However, the owner may be served notices if any regulations are not followed.

development finance residential

You'll only have one contact from project start to completion, even if your loan is transferred to another type. Borrowing through a lender means that borrowers have to enter into a mortgage contract against their property. If you fail to make your mortgage payments, your property could be taken away. After the project is completed, the loan can be repaid by the sale of the property or refinance to a residential mortgage or buy-to-let mortgage.

development finance residential